Other Personal Taxation Information

See the topics about Removing of Section 40 Relief, Removing of Tax Concession on Home Leave Passages for Expatriate Employees and Introducing a Cap of $80,000 on Personal Income Tax Reliefs here.

Removing of Section 40 Relief

Section 40 relief is currently applicable to Singapore citizens who are treated as non-residents, non-resident individuals who derive Singapore-sourced pension income and non-resident individuals who are residents of the Netherlands. To simplify the personal income tax system, Section 40 relief will be removed with effect from YA 2016.

Removing of Tax Concession on Home Leave Passages for Expatriate Employees

With effect from YA 2018, the tax concession of taxing only 20% of the value of home leave passages for expatriate employees will be removed.

Introducing a Cap of $80,000 on Personal Income Tax Reliefs

With effect from YA 2018, the total amount of personal income tax reliefs that an individual can claim will be capped at $80,000 per Year of Assessment (YA).