Mazars signs pledge of Fair Employment Practices by the Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP)

Mazars recently signed the Employers’ Pledge of Fair Employment Practices by the Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP).

Our shared vision is for Singapore to be one of the best places in the world to work; a place where every worker is given an equal opportunity for employment, rewarded according to his or her merit, treated fairly and with respect, and given the opportunity to optimize his or her unique talents; a place where businesses are able to attract, develop and retain valued employers, and create a harmonious and inclusive work environment, where employees are highly motivated and contribute their fullest to their organisations and the economy.

With a view to achieving this vision, the Tripartite partners – the Ministry of Manpower, the National Trades Union Congress, and the Singapore National Employers Federation – have unanimously endorsed the 5 key principles of Fair Employment Practices: 

  • Recruit and select employees on the basis of merit, such as skills, experience and ability, regardless of age, race, gender, religion or family status.
  • Treat employees fairly and with respect and implement progressive human resource management systems. 
  • Provide employees with equal opportunities for training and development based on their strengths and needs, to help them achieve their full potential. 
  • Reward employees fairly based on their ability, performance, contribution and experience.
  • Abide by labour laws and adopt Tripartite Guidelines which promote fair employment practices.

More than 2,200 organisations in Singapore, including Singapore National Employers Federation, Singapore Business Federation, Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, the Chinese, Malay, Indian, American, German and Japanese Chambers of Commerce have signed the Employers’ Pledge of Fair Employment Practices.