Enterprise Risk Management

We provide world-class Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) solutions to dynamic companies like yours that wish to participate confidently in the new economy. Our value proposition is simple: To partner and assist you in establishing a scalable and sustainable Enterprise Risk Management framework and integrate it into associated business processes, practices & people.

Our ERM solutions include: 

ERM Risk Framework Maturity Assessment 

Organisation ERM framework, policies and processes need to evolve with time to stay ahead of the curve. Our ERM Maturity Assessment draws upon our dedicated resources to provide organisations a Health-Check. The purpose is to validate whether the existing ERM Framework is aligned with “best practices” and if current risk mitigation strategies are aligned with the risk landscape. Organisations will benefit from our ERM Maturity Assessment Report, with a set of ‘quick-wins’ outlined to get back on track. 

Development of ERM Framework

We will benchmark your framework against industry leading practices (i.e. ISO31000 / COSO) and peer organisations to provide a clear insight of your developing ERM Framework, ERM policies and processes on overall risk architecture, positioning, risk governance, appetite and tolerance boundary.

Enterprise Risk Assessment Implementation

With our holistic risk-based methodology assessment, we identify business environment changes that impact each organisation's risk landscape. Our approach is collaborative and we engage with key stakeholders from across the board in order to map organisation objectives with key risks within Strategic, Reputational, Operational, Compliance, Financial and IT standpoint. Our assessment will provide insights on: 

  • Gaps related to ERM framework on (i) Risk governance structure (ii) Roles and responsibilities (iii) Risk principles and philosophy (iv) Methodologies, tools and techniques (v) Monitoring & reporting mechanism;
  • Control design evaluation;
  • Risk treatment plans to bring risks within tolerable limits;
  • Key risk indicators for monitoring & reporting;
  • Risk-governance culture.

Risk Department Full Outsourcing

Organisations may find it difficult to retain resources or assets to maintain ERM initiatives. We provide annual retainer services to assist you across the entire spectrum of ERM, such as risk monitoring, reporting to Audit Risk Committee, and more.

Risk Training Workshops

Each organisation is unique. Depending on the maturity of ERM framework, continuous learning and development are vital to an organisation's risk-culture. Our Risk Training workshops are tailored to your needs, ranging from beginner to advanced. We provide case studies, interactive sessions and insights on how to sustain and operationalise your ERM journey.